Hi, I'm Sho
Engineer, Math Enthusiast, Cellist
I graduated from the University of Washington in June 2024 with a Bachelor's degree in computer science and mathematics. Over the course of my undergrad, I gained research and project experience across several fields including dynamical systems, mathematical optimization, machine learning, computational biology, and mechanical engineering.
Outside of school, my main hobby is playing the cello, but I also enjoy playing other instruments (piano and guitar), music composition, calisthenics, skiing, drawing, and cooking.
May 2021 - Jul 2023
DanceTime is a multiplayer dance-based rhythm game inspired by Just Dance and FaceTime. In DanceTime, each player must try to follow the dance moves of the avatar, and the closer you are, the more points you get. This ended up being a rather involved project, featuring a custom 30 Hz pose estimation library and an original regression-based scoring algorithm.
My friend Tim Erwin and I playing DanceTime.
Software & Tools
  • Language: C++
  • CV Library: OpenCV
  • ML Frameworks: MediaPipe, TensorFlow Lite
System Overview
One algorithm I wanted to highlight was the scoring algorithm which solves a simple yet non-trivial problem:
Define a pose to be a set of (x, y) coordinates for various key joints/body parts. Given a constant stream of noisy pose readings, how can we arrive at a score that captures how similarly the two players danced?
There were three main nuances that made this problem challenging:
  • Invariance: translation/scaling should not affect scoring.
  • Noise: the pose data can be very jittery/sporadic.
  • Timing offset: scoring cannot fixate on current poses and must account for timing offsets.
Invariance was the easiest problem to address. I tried various strategies such as comparing joint velocities and joint angles, but both of these failed due to the noise. What worked best was standardizing each pose such that the torso had unit length and was centered at the origin.
Noise was the hardest problem to combat. The first natural step was to use a moving average, but this ended up either not making a significant enough impact or over-dampening the overall shape of the data.
Example left wrist x coordinate vs. time data standardized to [-1, 1].
So instead, I came up with a two-part solution. The first part is a conditional moving average which only averages if a current point is further from its neighbors than they are to each other (these points are defined to be outliers). This does a better job of preserving the shape of the data.
Outliers set to the average of their neighbors and marked with an "X".
The second part is using regression to find the polynomial of best fit for the data. The intuition is that this would help capture the player's overall trajectory and significantly reduce the effect of any remaining noise in our data. After lots of experimentation, I found that a polynomial degree of 3 provided the best results without overfitting.
A cubic polynomial is fitted to the data using regression.
Using polynomial regression actually serves a second purpose in helping address the timing offset issue by transforming our problem to continuous space, making it easy to find the horizontal translation that minimizes the error. I ended up using maximum error instead of mean error since it is a more accurate measure of alignment. Finally, we can take the error and offset and feed them into some activation function such as a sigmoid to get a similarity score between 0 and 1.
The red and blue functions are identical cubic functions that are vertically offset and the green function and orange function are the mean and max error respectively over the interval [-1, 1]. Note that the max error is minimized at offset zero which is desired.
Here is the full pseudocode for the entire scoring algorithm:
score(player_poses, avatar_poses):
  player_polys = poly_regression(player_poses)
  avatar_polys = poly_regression(avatar_poses)
  min_error = infinity
  for t from T_MIN to T_MAX with T_STEP:
    error = max_error(player_polys.translate(t), avatar_polys)
    if error < min_error:
      min_error = error
      offset = |t|
  score = sigmoid(min_error + OFFSET_COST * offset)
  return score

  for pose in poses:
    for body_part in pose:
      prev_to_curr = dist(prev_body_part, body_part)
      curr_to_next = dist(body_part, next_body_part)
      pev_to_next = dist(prev_body_part, next_body_part)
      if prev_to_next < prev_to_curr or prev_to_next < curr_to_next:
        body_part = (prev_body_part + next_body_part) / 2

  for pose in poses:
    left_shoulder = pose[left_shoulder]
    right_shoulder = pose[right_shoulder]
    left_hip = pose[left_hip]
    right_hip = pose[right_hip]
    torso_center = (left_shoulder + left_hip + right_shoulder + right_hip) / 4
    left_torso_length = dist(left_shoulder, left_hip)
    right_torso_length = dist(right_shoulder, right hip)
    torso_length = (left_torso_length + right_torso_length) / 2
    for body_part in pose:
      body_part = (body_part - torso_center) / left_torso_length

  polys = {}
  for body_part in body_parts:
    A = matrix(poses.length, POLY_DEGREE + 1)
    b = vector(poses.length)
    for i from 0 to poses.length - 1:
      A[i] = [1, i, i^2, ..., i^POLY_DEGREE]
      b[i] = poses[i][body_part]
    P = A * (A^T * A)^-1 * A^T
    proj_b = P * b
    poly_coeffs = A^-1 * proj_b
    polys[body_part] = poly_coeffs
  return polys

max_error(player_polys, avatar_polys):
  max_error = -infinity
  for body_part in body_parts:
    for t from T_START to T_END with T_STEP:
      f = player_polys[body_part]
      g = avatar_polys[body_part]
      error = (f(t) - g(t))^2
      if error > max_error:
        max_error = error
  return max_error
Jun 2022 - Jul 2023
AlphaFour is a Connect 4 AI that learns how to play from scratch via self-play deep reinforcement learning. After 20 generations (~9 hours of training), AlphaFour is able to play at ~90% optimality. Furthermore, since the only input to the algorithm is the rules of the game, AlphaFour can even generalize to other board games. As suggested by the name, AlphaFour is heavily inspired by DeepMind's AlphaZero.
Software & Tools
  • Language: Python
  • ML Library: PyTorch
  • GUI Library: PyGame
  • Util Libraries: NumPy, Matplotlib
AlphaFour, like AlphaZero, is based on an algorithm called Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) which is a heuristic search algorithm for playing board games. The idea behind MCTS is that you gradually build up a game state tree by repeating the following actions: selection, expansion, simulation, backpropagation.
AlphaFour's modifications to MCTS (adjusted UCB formula, Dirichlet noise at root, and deep neural network instead of simulation).
During selection, we recurse along the tree until we reach some leaf node. Children are selected based on their upper confidence bound (UCB) score which is a function of the child's average state value (encourage exploitation) and inverse visit count (encourage exploration). We then expand this leaf node by taking a valid action from the game state, giving us a new unexplored game state. During simulation, we perform random game roll-outs from this state to estimate its value. This value is then backpropagated up the tree to update the value of each ancestral node.
AlphaFour works by making a few key modifications to MCTS. The main difference is the use of a deep neural network that takes in a given state and outputs a policy (probabilities over actions) and a value (a scalar from -1.0 to 1.0).
AlphaFour's model consisted of a deep residual network of 8 res blocks with 128 channels whose output is fed into a policy network and a value network.
AlphaFour uses its value network instead of random roll-outs to predict state values and uses its policy network (and updated UCB formula) to predict child priors and guide exploration. The idea is that MCTS can already play the game of Connect 4 at a basic level, and so MCTS helps the policy/value networks learn, which in turn improves the effectiveness of MCTS, and so on.
Finally, there are a couple of other minor modifications such as adding Dirichlet noise to the policy at the root node when choosing actions to encourage exploration and prevent MCTS from becoming deterministic and repeating games.
An example training session where at generation 24 the model kept repeating the same games and thus was able to overfit to those games and reach a loss of zero.
The algorithms in AlphaFour are parallelized, but for ease of comprehension, here are the summarized sequential versions:
  repeat NUM_GENS:
    examples = []
    repeat GAMES_PER_GEN:
      examples += self_play()
    repeat EPOCHS_PER_GEN:

  examples = []
  state = init_state()
  player = 1
  while True:
    input_state = player * state
    policy, value = monte_carlo_tree_search(input_state)
    action = sample_action(state, policy)
    state = get_next_state(state, player, action)
    examples.append([input_state, policy, 0.0])
    if is_terminal(state):
      reward = 1.0 if is_win(state) else 0.0
      for i from 0 to examples.length - 1:
        example[i][2] = reward if examples.length - 1 - i % 2 == 0 else -reward
    player *= -1
  return examples

  root = new_mcts_node(state)
  repeat MCTS_ITRS:
    node = root
    while node.is_expanded():
      node = node.select()
    if node.is_terminal():
      value = -1.0 if is_win(state) else 0.0
      policy, value = model(node.state)
      policy += dirichlet_noise() if node == root
      policy[get_invalid_actions(node.state)] = 0.0
      policy /= sum(policy)
  policy = root.child_visit_counts() / MCTS_ITRS
  value = root.value_sum / MCTS_ITRS
Here is the loss vs. epoch plot after training for 20 generations (~9 hours):
Loss vs. epoch plot (each spike corresponds to a new generation; when a new set of self-play games are generated, the model's train loss jumps up to its test loss).
To demonstrate that AlphaFour is indeed learning, here are some example games where player one is an optimal player and player two is AlphaFour at different training generations. Note that Connect 4 is a solved game, so playing against an optimal player (who plays first) is impossible to beat. Thus, the number of turns AlphaFour survives can be used as a rough metric for how well it is playing.
Generation 0 vs. Optimal Player (7 moves)
Generation 5 vs. Optimal Player (17 moves)
Generation 10 vs. Optimal Player (31 moves)
Generation 20 vs. Optimal Player (37 moves)
Checking generation 20 AlphaFour's moves against a Connect 4 solver gives us that ~90% of its moves are optimal. Even better, it turns out that if the optimal player makes a single suboptimal move, AlphaFour can play well enough to convert the game into a win. In the following game, first player plays optimally except for move 5 in which it plays the third-best move. Here, AlphaFour is able to take advantage of this mistake to win the game with an impressive 5 in a row.
Generation 20 vs. Optimal Player w/ 1 Mistake (40 moves)
Jan 2023 - May 2023
My initial work at UW Formula Motorsports was developing autonomous driving software on the driverless sub-team. While the rest of the team works to build a formula race car from scratch, the goal of driverless is to modify the car to autonomously compete in a ten-lap autocross event.
Since we are not given the layout of the course prior to competing, the main challenge with driverless is the first lap logic (during which an optimal path would be mapped out and then spammed for the remaining nine laps). My main project was leading the development of planning/control algorithms for completing this first lap as fast as possible, resulting in the team's first-ever successful autonomous lap completion in simulation.
Software & Tools
  • Language: C++, Python
  • Robotics Library: ROS
  • Simulation: Unreal Engine
  • GUI Library: PyGame
  • Util Libraries: NumPy
The goal of the first-lap algorithm was to map from a set of detected nearby cones to a set of control values (steering, throttle, brake) that would lead to optimal driving. My friend Jaspern Geldenbott and I explored various first-lap algorithms, but the one we found that was the most promising was pure pursuit. The idea behind pure pursuit is to try to follow some reference point that keeps moving along a target path (like following a carrot on a stick) ultimately resulting in the car following the path.
A car trying to follow a reference point moving along the path will inevitably lead to the car following the path.
There are many ways to choose this reference point, but the easiest way is to first pick the cones on the left and right that are both in front of the car and furthest away and then take the average of the two positions. For additional speed, we ended up performing a weighted average to favor staying on the inside of turns. I realized that since the cones are paired up across the track, the cones on the inside of the turn end up closer together, allowing us to use the minimum pairwise distance between cones to determine which side to favor.
Once a reference point is chosen, it turns out that there exists a closed-form solution for the desired steering angle. Simplifying the car's dynamics to a bicycle model, we get the following result:
Steering angle calculations.
Finally, given the final steering angle, we can calculate a maximal target speed that doesn't introduce wheel slip and use PID controlling to extract throttle and brake values.
Here is the high-level pseudocode for the first-lap algorithm:
  left_cones, right_cones = nearby_cones
  left_target = get_target(left_cones)
  right_target = get_target(right_cones)
  left_target, right_target = pad_targets(left_target, right_target, CAR_WIDTH)
  left_min_dist = min_pairwise_dist(left_cones)
  right_min_dist = min_pairwise_dist(right_cones)
  p = get_weight(left_min_dist, right_min_dist)
  ref = p * left_target + (1 - p) * right_target
  steering = pure_pursuit(ref)
  target_speed = get_target_speed(steering)
  throttle, brake = pid(target_speed)
  return (steering, throttle, brake)

  target_cone = (0, 0)
  for cone in cones:
    if cone.x > 0 and ||cone|| > ||target_cone||:
      target_cone = cone
  rturn target_cone

  turn_radius = (ref.x^2 + ref.y^2) / (2 * ref.y)
  steering = arctan(CAR_LENGTH / turn_radius)
  return steering
Here are the results of the first-lap algorithm:
Algorithm working in a PyGame simulation with four visualizations: no effects, only detected cones, detected cones + reference point, only detected cones + reference point.
Algorithm working in Unreal Engine with real-world physics.
Although I mainly worked on software, I also worked on designing and manufacturing the mount for the steering stepper motor. The previous design proposed by the mechanical leads was very wasteful (pictured left) and so I worked on an assembly-based design that would reduce waste by ~85% (pictured right).
Previous mount design.
Proposed mount design.
Here is me testing a 3D printed prototype to ensure it fits with the stepper motor and chassis:
3D printed prototype mounted to stepper motor.
3D printed prototype mounted to the car.
Here is the final mount machined out of aluminum and integrated with the stepper motor and chassis:
Final assembly and integration.
Jan 2023 - Mar 2023
Suppose you want a robotic arm that when told "put the cup on the coaster" or "put the small box in the larger box" is able to perform the task first try. While imitation learning provides one method of training a robot to perform manipulation tasks, since collecting real-world examples is expensive, the training data will likely contain limited objects/scenes, preventing the robot from generalizing to novel scenarios.
GenAug was a solution proposed by PhD student Zoey Chen (a colleague from the UW WEIRD Lab) who asked me to join her on the project. The idea behind GenAug is to use generative models such as stable diffusion to augment the training data (replace the pick object, replace the place object, alter the scene, add distractors, etc.). Our hope was that the large amounts of web-scraped data these generative models were trained on would serve as a prior and thus provide more semantically meaningful augmentation than classical data augmentation techniques (noise injection, transformations, etc.). Sure enough, in our real-world experiments, we found that GenAug improved our robot's zero-shot success rate by 40%, allowing our robot to perform general tabletop manipulation tasks with minimal human demonstrations.
Our results were published in a paper that was accepted to the Robotics Science and Systems conference in June 2023 and was a Best System Paper Finalist.
Software & Tools
  • Hardware: 6 DoF xArm5 w/ Vacuum Gripper, Intel RealSense Camera (D435i)
  • Languages: Python, Bash
  • Robotics Library: ROS
  • Sim Library: PyBullet
  • ML Library: PyTorch
  • Paper: LaTeX
Data Collection
To collect human demonstrations, the user labels pick/place locations on a 2D top-down projection of the scene point cloud. These locations are mapped back to 3D coordinates using calibrated depth maps.
Data Augmentation
We used GenAug to augment our dataset in the following ways:
Zero-Shot Deployment
After training our model on the augmented dataset, we test it on our robot on scenes it has never seen before. Here are some examples from our testing:
Nov 2022 - Dec 2022
GeoKnowr is a lightweight GeoGuessr AI that can reliably guess within 2000 km of the ground truth.
For those who are unfamiliar, GeoGuessr is a popular web game where users are thrown into random locations around the world in Google Street View and are challenged to place a marker on the world map to guess where they are in the world (the closer you guess, the more points you get).
Example screenshot from GeoGuessr (this is Japan).
My friend Zach Chapman and I wanted to use deep learning to create a GeoGuessr AI that would be able to reliably guess the location of where such images were taken. Furthermore, GeoGuessr has several different modes, one of which is NMPZ (no moving-panning-zooming) which is notoriously the most difficult and thus the one we wanted to tackle. We created the entire data collection, training, and testing pipeline from scratch.
Software & Tools
  • Languages: Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Street View API: Google Street View
  • ML Libraries: PyTorch, Scikit-learn
  • Util Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, WebGL
Data Collection
Our data collection pipeline could be broken up into the following steps:
  1. Choose a random (latitude, longitude) coordinate.
  2. Use Google's API's to see if any Google Street View locations exist within a 10km search radius.
  3. If so, grab the metadata for that location and scrape the corresponding street view image at a random heading.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 until we gather enough data.
Using this method, we downloaded a total of 32,000 images with a resolution of 480x360 from around the world.
Initially, we framed this as a regression problem, with the goal of minimizing surface distance around the unit sphere because this is ultimately the criterion we are trying to minimize when playing GeoGuessr. However, the issue with this was that our model would learn to spam Greenland. This made sense because most of Google Street View data is in the northern hemisphere and thus our model could achieve a decent score by average guessing.
Google Street View's coverage.
To combat this issue, we reframed the problem as classification by dividing up the globe into numerous regions. The idea was that the model would classify an image into one of these regions and then guess the center of the region. This forced our model to commit more, as nearby regions are equally penalized as regions on the opposite side of the world. Another motivation behind this pivot was the recognition that humans also play GeoGuessr by region-guessing.
First, we tried dividing up the world into a uniform grid, however, the majority of these classes had little to no examples being over water or in areas with low GSV coverage, so our model would learn to spam the majority class. We addressed this by cleverly using clustering algorithms to perform the class divisions for us, leading to more equal-sized classes (and less data sparsity). Note how the clusters line up with Google's coverage.
Visualization of our clusters. We found that the Gaussian mixture model worked the best and 21 classes was the sweet spot where less classes led to regions which were too large and more classes led to too little examples per class.
Our final performance boost came from recognizing that we did not have enough data to adequately train a deep neural network from scratch, and so we used transfer learning on ResNet-18 pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset. Now, our model no longer had to learn feature extraction and could instead focus on finding the relationship between the features provided by pre-trained ResNet-18 and our classes.
Transfer learning on ResNet-18 architecture.
Throughout this entire process, we also used an abundance of deep learning techniques such as learning rate annealing and weight decay.
Here are our results after training for ~5 hours:
  • 5th percentile: 361.33km (correct part of country)
  • 10th percentile: 520.11km (correct country)
  • 25th percentile: 980.21km (correct region)
  • Median: 2839.96km (correct continent)
Here are 10 example images and corresponding guesses from our model. The red marker represents the ground truth and the grey marker represents the AI's guess.
Eurajoki, Finland: 46.15km away
Cedar Pocket, Australia: 766.68km away
Ōdai, Japan: 554.07km away
Pervomaiskii, Russia: 750.37km away
Clavering Øer, Greenland: 3001.91km away
Nuenen, Netherlands: 728.77km away
Tanjung Mulia, Indonesia: 778.63km away
Takper, Nigeria: 860.73km away
Colonia Río Escondido, México: 26.80km away
Chipaya, Bolivia: 1133.61km away
Oct 2022 - Oct 2022
Frijma is a web app that allows users to scan grocery receipts using their phone camera, keeps track of their expiration dates with easily digestible visuals, and also provides recipe inspiration for efficient meal planning—ultimately reducing food waste due to food items exceeding their expiration date.
Frijma was a submission to the 24-hour DubHacks'22 hackathon. My team consisted of me, Stefan Todoran, Nicholas Bradley, and Zach Chapman.
Software & Tools
System Overview
User Experience
1. Suppose you go grocery shopping and return with the following receipt (I just found this online).
An example grocery receipt.
2. You can either take a photo or upload an image of the receipt.
The scan/upload button can be found at the top of the webpage.
3. Frijma provides a list of all of the groceries detected on the receipt with their expiration dates.
Frijma's list of food items and their expiration dates.
4. Frijma also provides a list of relevant recipes to help use up all of your groceries on time.
Frijma's list of recipe inspiration.
Although I worked on the entire pipeline, I focused on the parsing, search, and edit-distance algorithms. The runtime of the three combined algorithms is O(mn) where m is the number of characters in the receipt and n is the number of characters in the dataset (note that this is the optimal runtime). Here is the pseudocode for the three algorithms:
  for line in receipt:
    if line satisfies regex "*XX.XX":
      abbrv = line.remove(non-letters)
      if abbrv == "":
      food, cost = search(abbrv)
      if cost > MAX_COST:

  min_cost = infinity
  closest_food = null
  for keywords, food in dataset:
    total_cost = 0
    for word in abbrv:
      keyword_min_cost = infinity
      for keyword in keywords:
        keyword_cost = edit_distance(word, keyword)
        if keyword_cost < keyword_min_cost:
          keyword_min_cost = keyword_cost
      total_cost += keyword_min_cost
    avg_cost = total_cost / abbrv.word_count
    name_cost = edit_distance(abbrv, food)
    true_cost = (P * name_cost + (1 - P) * avg_cost) / abbrv.length
    if true_cost < min_cost:
      closest_food = food
      min_cost = true_cost
  return closest_food, min_cost

edit_distance(abbrv, food):
  dp = zero_matrix(abbrv.length + 1, food.length + 1)
  for i from 0 to abbrv.length:
    for j from 0 to food.length:
      if i == 0:
        dp[i, j] = j * INSERTION_COST
      else if j == 0:
        dp[i, j] = i * DELETION_COST
      else if abbrv[i - 1] == food[j - 1]:
        dp[i, j] = dp[i - 1, j - 1]
        dp[i, j] = min(
          dp[i][j - 1] + INSERTION_COST,
          dp[i - 1][j] + DELETION_COST,
          dp[i - 1][j - 1] + INSERTION_COST + DELETION_COST
  return dp[abbrv.length, food.length]
Sep 2021 - Jun 2022
In 2020, I joined the UW Makeability Lab as a software engineer, co-developing the Project Sidewalk webpage: a gamified website where users walk around in Google Street View and label sidewalk accessibility issues for wheelchair users and older adults. Since deployment, Project Sidewalk has been able to build a novel dataset of 1 million labels across 8 cities.
In 2021, I joined forces with my friends Michael Duan and Logan Milandin to apply deep learning to the above dataset to create a computer vision pipeline for automatic sidewalk evaluation. As a culmination of our work, we authored a paper discussing the effects of filtered vs. unfiltered and single-city vs. cross-city training data and how our models can label new cities with a promising 80-90% accuracy.
Our paper was accepted to the ASSETS conference in October 2022.
Software & Tools
  • Sidewalk Webpage Languages: PostgreSQL, Scala, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Sidewalk CV Languages: Python, Bash
  • Street View API: Google Street View
  • ML Library: PyTorch
  • Util Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib
  • Paper: LaTeX
Data Collection
Here's a screenshot of the Project Sidewalk webpage for crowdsourcing labels. I worked on many features including visualizing the user's observed area in the bottom right corner that improved data quality by incentivizing users to look around.
What a user might see as they label sidewalks.
Jul 2019 - Aug 2021
I first played Danzón No. 2 by Arturo Márquez in my high school orchestra and immediately fell in love with the catchy melodies and energetic rhythms. Danzón is a style of dance originating from Cuba and popularized in Mexico, and I felt compelled to arrange this piece to help spread this music into the otherwise eurocentric world of classical music. After years of pouring over this score, this is easily my most thought out (and also most difficult) arrangement.
Full Score
Notable Excerpts
1 - 19: The piece begins with the iconic clarinet theme in the first cello and the baseline/clave rhythm in the second cello.
66 - 71: The first notoriously difficult section is the build-up to "Con fuoco" where I tripled up on octaves to capture the power of a string section in unison while interspersing harmonics in the second cello part to simulate the high counter theme played by the woodwinds.
74 - 93: "Con fuoco" is a catchy section where the cellos trade off the brass and woodwind themes while maintaining the rhythmic string parts underneath (super difficult to get the shifts and articulation clean).
121 - 143: Here I tried to capture the effect of an entire string orchestra plucking away in the second cello part (if you didn't have calluses you will now).
164 - 182: The "Tempo primo" recaps the first theme in the first cello part and features the entire piano part in the second cello part (just barely playable but very impactful).
198 - 219: The hardest part in the entire piece (in my opinion) due to being high/exposed with awkward shifts/string-crossings and ending with harmonics to mimic the color of a flute and clarinet playing a duet.
345 - 361: The piece ends with a gradual 16-bar crescendo where I gradually climb octaves and incorporate double-stops to simulate instruments from the symphony joining in one at a time.
Aug 2020 - Feb 2021
Cinema Paradiso by Giuseppe Tornatore is a movie set in a small Sicilian town with a soundtrack by Ennio Morricone that covers themes such as love, loss, and nostalgia. I ended up picking out iconic themes, transcribing them by ear while adding my own artistic touch, and stitching everything together into a theme and variations which I feel tells a compelling and cohesive story.
Full Score
Notable Excerpts
1 - 28: The introductory theme features a grand b-flat major arpeggio and recurring ornaments that reminds me of a sunrise with birds chirping in the background.
33 - 71: The subject of the theme and variants "Tema d'amore" is introduced where each iteration gradually increases in dynamics and complexity.
72 - 113: We take a break from the love theme and introduce the "Infanzia" theme—a simple theme with playful pizzicato that symbolizes young/naive love.
114 - 134: We develop into the "Maturità" theme—a rich melody where both cellos play in a similar register to symbolize a unionizing of the two lover's values (as opposed to the contrasting parts in the "Infanzia" theme).
136 - 147: "Cinema in Fiamme" is where disaster strikes in the movie, and to make it especially climactic, I decided to double up on the theme and add an alternating arpeggiated motif for added emphasis.
157 - 176: Finally the love theme returns again (following the aftermath of the disaster), but this time the accompaniment is heartwrenching counter-melody with swirling chromaticism. Like before, the love theme repeats several more times, each increasing in intensity and grandeur.
186 - 194: In my opinion, the hardest part by far is the first cello accompaniment of the penultimate love theme. No need to explain, just try playing it.
206 - 218: Although the piece sounds like it could end in bar 205, I decided to add one last theme "Ripensandola" which roughly translates to "Thinking About Her Again"—a soft, broken version of the love theme where each chord swells like a sigh, possibly symbolizing the passing of a loved one.
Nov 2005 - Present
Here are a collection of videos of me playing music with friends.
Some Improv
Guitar: Arjun Srivastava
Cello: Sho Kiami
Keyboard: Pranav Bhagavatula
Arjun, Pranav, and I like to hold jam sessions every once in a while and here is a clip from one of those days. The result was some e-minor bossa nova type vibe.
Chopin - Cello Sonata, III. Largo
Cello: Sho Kiami
Piano: Michael Duan
Michael and I have been working on the Chopin Cello Sonata for some time now, and the third movement has always been a favorite due to its simplicity and beauty.
Rachmaninoff - Cello Sonata, III. Andante (Arr. Sho Kiami)
Cello 1: Sho Kiami
Cello 2: Yuta Kiami
Yuta had been working on the Rachmaninoff Cello Sonata and asked if I could arrange the piano part for cello and play it with him at a music night hosted by some friends. I thought the arrangement actually turned out quite well considering the fact that the piano part is notoriously complex.
Arnesen - Magnificat
University Presbyterian Church Choir
Various Musicians from Seattle
My old cello teacher, Rajan Krishnaswami, invited me to play this professional gig with him so I had to pull through. The performance was rather long and I wanted to highlight a piece called Magnificat written in 2010 by Norwegian composer Kim André Arnesen. I especially love the final movement "Gloria Patri" starting at 54:18.
Bloch - From Jewish Life, I. Prayer
Cello: Sho Kiami
Piano: Michael Duan
This piece is inspired by prayers sung in Ashkenazi synagogues. It is haungtingly gorgeous and sounds very human.
Piazzolla - Le Grand Tango
Cello: Sho Kiami
Piano: Michael Duan
I love playing Argentine tango and had to share this piece with Michael. Here's our first rehearsal together.